[Gothic 3] Community Story Project - Informacje, Newsy

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
4 grudnia 2018
Łzy Innosa
Przerobiony Klasztor znacie już z filmu z poprzednich kalendarzy. Jednak oprócz tych dużych zmian nie należy zapominać o szczegółach. Takim szczegółem są naścienne dywany, a oto jeden z najnowszych prac Salmarnira. Łzy Innosa.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
5 grudnia 2018
Kochajmy jabłka
Miłe nawiązanie do poprzednich części. Mam nadzieję, że będzie więcej takich bonusów.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
6 grudnia 2018
Propaganda: Buntownicy (ANG)
What it is, we‘re fighting for? For law and order!

Not a century ago, Myrtana was overwhelmed by wars and conflicts. But Innos send us his chosen one, the sacred Rhobar, to unify the country.

Innos is the god of order. He has a plan for this world. He doesn’t want it to sink into chaos and violence like his dark brother wants it to do. We humans are his chosen people, we all have a place in his order and each and every one of us has a value in Innos’ eyes if one knows his place and doesn’t rebel against the divine order. All humans are not equal. Nonetheless, they all have a value, everyone in his place. Just think about Beliar’s henchmen, the orcs and the assassins, for them a life is without meaning unless the man is helpful to them. Innos has given everyone his task. Everyone has to serve the greater good, everyone is here to advance the cause of humanity and to enhance the prestige of the lord. Of course, not all humans can be equal, how should that work? Innos decided there should be men and women. The man shall work, the man shall protect the home and the kingdom. The woman shall bear the children, the woman shall nurse the home and the family. Unity and harmony can only exist where no one tries to take the place of the other but surrenders to his or her duties. Innos chooses a king, to rule humanity in his stead and to bring his divine order to the people. Innos chooses some persons to be born as peers, to rule the kingdom and guide humanity under the wise supervision of our king. We don’t wallow in our might, we don’t misuse it like the orcish warlords or the rich traders in the desert do, who only rule by violence and arbitrarily. We peers don’t get power by coincidence without being prepared for it, but we’re born to rule. Since I was a little boy my father raised me to use this responsibility as his father did with him. We rule by law and order. We make sure that Innos‘ order is preserved and all humans can live together peacefully because no one is acting against his inherent duties. Others are born through the wisdom of the lord not as peers but as peasants or craftsman. They shall not wail but work for the pleasure of the lord. And they shall know: They’re important, too. They’re important for the plan of the lord. We need the work of the peasants to survive. But as the body needs its arms it also needs its head. And the arms shall not wail and revolt against the head! Did we ever treat the people unfair? Of course, the work was hard lately, of course, the dues were high lately. But the orcs brought us this inconveniences as they brought us the war. Everyone has to do his part to protect the realm. Of course, the magical barrier was a harsh action. But was it ever unfair? Didn’t only criminals end up in the mining colony? Wasn’t everyone the master of his own fate? The war forced our king to difficult decisions in this case, too. The people shall not wail. They shall be grateful to have such a wise monarch as Rhobar II., who is ready to make such difficult and unpopular decisions and to bear the load of the Regency.   

The humans tend to forget that the realm was growing before the war. The cities were rich, the temples were splendid, the craftsmanship and the maritime trade flowered. The people could live in peace. Weren’t the roads safe due to the royal soldiers? Today wild animals come from the forests and bandits lurk on the roads. What are the orcs doing to protect the realm outside of the occupied cities? Weren’t the cities free of crime as all of the corrupted and evil persons were brought to Khorinis by the royal guard and wise laws reigned? Today former criminals serve the orcs as mercenaries, enslave honourable men, get high using swamp weed, which had been banned by a wise government and I hear that no woman is safe on the streets if she isn’t willing to sacrifice her honour and serves one of the damnable so she doesn’t have to serve them all. Didn’t the honourable paladins cure us of the blood cult in our centre? Now that the orcs are in power the last remaining black mages who escaped the sword crawl out of their dark vaults and wander shamelessly under Innos’ sun in the open. Is this the world you want to live in?

And don’t let us forget the rest of the world! Today the other people blame us and thank the orcs that they were able to free themselves from our alleged yoke thanks to the orcs. What an ingratitude. Yes, we fought wars. And wars cost blood. Our blood and that of our enemies. But was there ever an unfair war like the attack of the orcs or the assault of Zuben years ago? We never fought a war to suppress anyone, but to free them and to bring them the holy order of Innos. The people quickly forget the good things you give them.  Did we not take the slavery away from the people after the Varrant War? And didn’t we let the nomads roam freely through the desert after decades of suppression by the assassins? Or the southern islands: Didn’t we end the century-old disputes between the local lords? Didn’t we bring civilization tot he barbarians in the north? And especially didn’t we bring peace to the world? Humans are not good by nature. Their souls might be from Innos but their bodies are soiled by Beliar, driven by lust and desires. The humans don’t make peace on their own, as we’ve learned in centuries of violence. If you leave the humans to themselves you‘ll end up with a war everyone against everyone. Only the sword can bring peace. Only a strong sovereign who holds all the power in his hand and uses it wisely can bring peace to the world. Yes, we fought a war. The last war. The war to end all wars forever. And we almost reached our goal… Under the strong hand of Rhobar II, all of humankind was united for the first time in ages. All the countries at the Myrtanian Sea under one ruler. One realm, one king, one god – and one future!

Together we could have heralded a new age of peace, progress and wealth. If the orcs hadn’t attacked us… But it isn’t too late. This is only a test by Innos. The humans need to unite against their last common enemy. If we get beat we’ll perish. But if we win we’ll never need to raise the sword ever again.

This is what we are fighting for. For law and order! For the future of humankind.

– Duke Ullrick of and to Montera

Rebels? You are talking about the bandits. Yes, they’re bandits. What are they doing? They revolt against their lord. They hide in caves and woods and raid the people. Isn’t that what bandits do?  

Yes, of course, they do big talks. Sure they say that they’re doing this for freedom, the old order and the simple people. But I’ll tell you some things about this bullshit:

Not the orcs are suffering from the rebels. Of course, sometimes an orc patrol gets killed. But it is widely known what the rebels do mostly: They plunder the farms and the merchants like common bandits. Of course, they justify this by saying that they’d need this resources for their righteous fight and that the farmers and merchants would cooperate with the orcs. But what should they do? Everyone has to take care of himself. Or should everyone throw away his life and run away into the woods? What for? Living under the orcs is not worse than living under the king. And even if it were, wouldn’t the rebels be guilty as well? Of course, it was terrible as the orcish torturer raged among the slaves until he’d found the rebels’ spies and their hideout. But aren’t the rebels guilty here as well? They say, they’re fighting for the slaves, but the slaves are the firsts to suffer. The rebels should simply surrender. Haven’t ten years of war been enough? We could have peace at last, if the rebels put down their weapons. The orcs aren’t cruel against their beaten foes, everyone knows that. They only kill their opponents in battle. To kill defenceless people would be against their honour. It is true, that they enslave those, who don’t surrender, but the life as an orcish slave isn’t so bad. For sure it’s not worse than the life of one of these poor bastards that were thrown into the barrier, just because they couldn’t pay their taxes or were caught using a little swamp weed. The orcs give food to their slaves and let them rest after hard work. They allow the slaves to watch the arena fights and I’ve heard that they even pay the slaves’ brothel visits in Montera. Can you imagine that? And the slaves also can fight for their freedom in the arenas and even become an orcish mercenary.

And I’ll tell you something: I don’t want the old order back. I like the new order built by the orcs. We humans are freer than ever before in Myrtana. No one is locked away for praying to the wrong god, reading the wrong books or trading some swamp weed. But it isn’t true that the orcs don’t pursue any crimes, they’re acting very strictly against real criminals. They made an example of all the mercenaries trying to rape us women. I’m feeling safer in the city as the orcs are being hard but fair. Of course, the orcs expect some fees. But what difference does it make for us simple persons if we’re paying the fees to the temple, the crown or the orcs? Someone is always at the top and someone is always at the bottom, that’s how the world is. The arrogant paladins and mage rebels just don’t like the fact that they’re not in charge anymore but have to live in the dirt. I can imagine this noble basterds that grew richer and fatter at the expense of the farmers fulminating against the orcs as they had to change scavenger joints and altar wine for old bread and plain water. I tell you: Someone is always at the top and someone is always at the bottom, that will never change. But I’ll tell you what has changed: Today you can take your destiny into your own hands. Just look at me. After the death of my father, I run the smithy. And the master craftsmen of the guilds are raging and romping because of their traditions. In the past, I would have married someone and he would’ve run my smithy. The guild would’ve enforced their rules with the help of the city guard and the temple. But the orcs don’t care about the old guild rules. They just asked if I was able to forge. Or just have a look at the mercenaries. Why are they all following the orcs? Most of them would have been cast into the barrier for some small violation or they would’ve worked themselves to death as farmhands on some farm. Today they’re able to make something out of themselves. And look at their women and how they are wandering around. They’re wearing gold necklaces and earrings. And most of them used to be only maidservants. They would have never dreamed about running around like the wives of citizens or even noble damsels.  

And I’ll tell you one more thing: The orcs might be a people of warriors, but as stupid as it sounds, I think they’re satisfied with Myrtana. They won’t try to conquer the desert or far away lands. And this is good. How long did Myrtana suffer from all these wars? How many sons were robbed from their families by the king to rule the whole world? And what for? What did we ever have to do with these foreign realms? Other nations are quite happy when they’re able to take care of their own businesses. No one ever asked us to invade those countries. Is it really necessary that there is always a war? If you ask the rebels the answer is yes. You don’t really believe that they’re happy if they fight the orcs back out of Myrtana, do you? The next step will be kicking the assassins out of Varant. And then they’ll try to reconquer the northern colonies and the southern islands. And then? In the end, they’ll follow the orcs to their homeland to defeat them there for good. These fanatic paladins won’t stop until everything is ruined or the whole world belongs to them.

Rebels? Nothing more than bandits.

– Isabella, blacksmith in Geldern

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
7 grudnia 2018
Nowa twarz
Niesamowite co nowe tekstury mogą zrobić. Oto nowa twarz dla znanej osoby.

Obstawiam, że to jeden z tych dowódców farmy w okolicach Montery.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
8 grudnia 2018
Łyk piwa
Można go pić z butelki. Mieszkańcy Myrtany na pewno by to zrobili gdyby Piranha Bytes dała im taką szansę. Oczywiście z kufla smakuje znacznie lepiej.





Aniol Stroz

Najlepszy grafik
kuźwa tyle lat to robią.. i co roku na święta sobie o tym przypominam :D. szacun za wytrwałość, oby to mimo wszystko ujrzało światło dzienne.. obym dożył :D

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
Pytanie tylko kiedy się pojawi i czy było warto czekać tyle czasu :p


Członek Załogi
Oni chyba mają to już gdzieś, a jedynie dolewają oliwy do już powoli gasnącego ogniska w lesie. Mam nadzieję, że nie przerzucą się na benzynę bo wtedy będzie źle.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
9 grudnia 2018
Mol Książkowy
W instrukcji do Gothica 3 możemy znaleźć kilka interesujących cytatów pochodzących od postaci, które ostatecznie nie znalazły się w końcowej grze. Należą do nich Gurail - kwatermistrz orków w Myrtanie, Ilgar - buntowniczy mistrz łuczniczy, Rhon Al Varg - oddany swej pracy handlarz niewolników. Teraz znajdziesz ich w CSP wraz z ich tekstami z instrukcji. Oto kilka przykładów:


"Walcz, by zyskać honor."

"Nasze całe życie polega na walce i honorze, który można dzięki niej zdobyć."


"W otwartej walce musielibyśmy przegrać, doskonale to wiemy. Właśnie dlatego kryjemy się w cieniu, gdy przez las idzie oddział orków ..."


"Zabić cię? Za kogo mnie masz?"

"Jesteś w dobrej formie, masz silne ręce i doświadczenie kowalskie - to cechy cenione przez moich klientów."
Fajnie że pamiętają co było w instrukcji i że to wykorzystują.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
10 grudnia 2018
Klub Włóczni
Zwiększeni ilości broni było jednym z pierwszych założeń CSP. Oto interesujące połączenie broni ciętej i włóczni.



Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
11 grudnia 2018
To co zrobiliśmy w miastach dotyczy również nakryć głowy. Naszym zamiarem jest wprowadzenie różnorodności we wszystkich regionach świata. Kefija jest naszym najnowszym dodatkiem w tej dziedzinie. To nakrycie głowy ma nawiązywać do tradycyjnych strojów na terenach pustynnych.



Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
12 grudnia 2018
Niewielkim ale bardzo miłym ulepszeniem są różnorodne głowy mieszkańców Myrtany. Oprócz nowych fryzur dodaliśmy też nowe nakrycia głowy. Dobrym przykładem jest nasza nowa czapka:



Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
13 grudnia 2018
Świeże bułeczki
Farmy w okolicach Montery produkują dużo zboża, które przy pomocy młyna zostaje zmielone na mąkę a po upieczeniu trafia na stół mieszkańców. Brzmi nierealnie? Masz rację, brakuje tutaj ważnego elementu tego procesu. Piekarni! Dodaliśmy ten ważny budynek w celu urealnienia całego świata Gothica 3.







Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
14 grudnia 2018
Laska pasterza
Do wykonywania pracy potrzeba odpowiednich narzędzi. Kowal ma młot, wojownik swoją broń a kucharz swoją chochlę. Dlatego, ten który w CSP będzie strzegł stada dostanie swoją laskę do podpierania.





Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
15 grudnia 2018
W pierwszej kartce kalendarza pokazaliśmy wam odmienione Faring. Wiele nowości jakie dotąd pokazywaliśmy skupiały się na Myrtanie. Jednak inne regiony są również rozwijane. Dlatego dzisiaj pokażemy wam udoskonalone Lago.





Prawdę mówiąc to nie ma co się chwalić tym Lago. Oprócz kilku nowych osób i jednego namiotu nie ma wiele nowości.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
16 grudnia 2018
Propaganda: Asasyni (ANG)
Come, join me here in the cool shadow! Yes, the sun is cruel and relentless, isn’t it? That’s Innos’ curse. But Beliar offers his blessing to all who recognize it. Beliar is the one through whom our people can live.  

Do you want to know how Varant used to be? Before Zuben came and brought us the true faith? The life in the desert was scraggy and without joy, except for some few sultans and emirs, who ruled the cities. And what did they do with their power? They suppressed the people. They let the people of Varrant fight one another in everlasting wars so that the sand turned red from their blood. The trading couldn’t prosper in this conditions. And if a caravan was brave enough to travel between the cities it had to fear the raptorial nomads robbing everyone they could find. Or they got caught in one of the sandstorms and got lost perishing from Innos’ curse without water or orientation.  

Just take a look around, what the great Zuben made us become! He united the realms of the desert and ended the wars. He formed us into a great and strong people, so mighty we almost beat the big Myrtana. And as the power of the old realm perishes, ours is growing, and with the power, our wealth grows, too. Yes, you son of the empty pockets, I saw you peering for my gold. I saw your eyes getting bigger as you saw the wealth of my mines. Be my guest, take a look around. But watch your fingers. No, no I wouldn’t cut off the hand of a thief. These dark and barbarian times are over, thanks to Zuben. What good is a one-handed man? As a slave in the mines, you’re of bigger use for me. Yes, the mines are the foundation of the wealth. In your homeland, Beliar is feared as the god of death. But Beliar is also the god of the earth. And he is the god of everything lying in the earth, of the gems and the gold for example. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the gold, lying in the mountains for millennia, was found in the days of Zuben? He brings us Beliar’s blessing and we worship him in return.  

But one of Beliar’s presents is even more valuable than the wealth he’s bringing to us. Are you surprised by me saying this, you son of the few words? Yes, Beliar gave us the gold. But first and foremost he gave us freedom. Beliar is the god of death and destruction, but in reality, he is a god of life because without death and destruction, without chaos and change nothing can be and nothing can evolve. The true death is the lifeless order of Innos. Innos wants every man as a servant. Under Beliar everyone is his own master, as long as he’s accepting the master of masters above him. You don’t believe me? You’re looking upon the slaves and are questioning the freedom ruling in Varant? But behold, Zuben proclaimed that no man should be born into slavery. Everyone is a free man at first. All the slaves you see here, forfeited their freedom on their own. Every man is the architect of his own future. In the old days the sultans and emirs, and after them their sons and their son’s sons, ruled Varant. Today everyone who’s just a father of deceit and who makes good deals can rise up and even become a vice-regent, like me. Of course, Zuben rules us all, but he’s no despot like the king in the north whose noble men are mere handymen and who has his judges and royal officials all over the country. Every city in Varant is free. Every vice-regent rules at his own discretion. Zuben is far away in Ishtar and has higher things in mind than our earthly issues. He protects us from Beliar’s wrath but he leaves us to ourselves as long as we pay the tribute that is lawfully his.  

Well, of course, Beliar is an angry god. He is cruel and unforgiving against his foes! But only against them. Like Zuben he is gracious and generous if you honour him. The regnancy for Beliar, the wealth for us! Just look at the poor life the adepts of the other gods have to live. They demand asceticism and renouncement. Why, I ask you? Isn’t the life for living? Isn’t the wealth for enjoying? You have a craving for a sweet fruit of one of our oases? Take it! You have a craving for the sweet lap of one of our slaves? Enjoy her dance! Gluttony and lust are no sin under a gracious god like Beliar. We know no fasting, no chastity, we don’t condemn the swamp weed. Just make good deals, give Beliar and his prophet what is theirs and you’ll be able to rest on silken cushions and have a life full of delight, just like me.  

You’re still not convinced? You are the father of doubts. Are you touched by the fate of the nomads? Those wildlings, that live in caves, stink like their cattle and dress in brown rags? Isn’t it their own fault? Haven’t they robbed our caravans and oases again and again? Zuben is no cruel lord. Everyone can bend the knee and live. But these bullheaded nomads don’t want to recognize his glory – so for them, there can only be death or chains. And the king? His soldiers came to our land, pillaged our cities, defiled our women, committed cruelty after cruelty. Then they razed the walls and harbours of our cities to the ground. He forbade us the long-distance trading so that only his merchants could profit from Varant’s wealth. We weren’t even allowed to bear arms. But Beliar listened to our pleas and resend us Zuben. He gave us our dignity, our freedom and our wealth back. Now we’re approaching a golden future.

And you, son of the north? You can be a part of this future. The regnancy for Beliar, the wealth for us, the death for his enemies.

– Sancho, vice-regent of Ben Erai

Don’t let the assassins tell you anything, boy. Don’t be a fool. They don’t get tired praising themselves for their trickiness. Just listen to them: “An assassin never bets on just one fighter in the arena.” “The first weapon of an assassin is his tongue, the second is his poison and only the third is his sword.” “Where others rule by power, the assassins rule by deceit.” Just ask yourself: Should you trust someone speaking like this?  

Let me tell you the truth, as a man that has lived long enough to know it. I remember the old days, boy, before Zuben appeared. I saw him rising and falling and rising again. It wasn’t all good in the old days, but it wasn’t as bad as they are telling nowadays.  

The emirs and sultans weren’t always fair leaders. But they controlled the acquisitiveness of the merchants. Just take a look around. Now the merchants are ruling the cities. Do you think their power is based on their ability to rule? They bought those positions! And they are not thinking about the well-being of their cities for one second. Each and every one of them squeezes his city and his subjects for a little bit of wealth. Also, they’re getting rich through the trading and the mines. And everyone competes with everyone That is what the faith of these sinners is teaching them. Greed and egoism. Every man for himself. They don’t begrudge anyone the shirt on his back. And their great Zuben? He’s watching from afar as these vultures fight one another. And these fools praise him for granting them the freedom to do so. A nice freedom that is, the freedom to pillage one another. So you really think that Zuben gives them this freedom because he is a good man? He’s cunning like an old snake. He knows, if he was ruling with an iron fist, uprisings would occur. But now, all with a little bit of power are fighting amongst themselves and no one can become powerful enough to threaten him.

I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again: Sinners are those assassins. In the old times, most of the people here in Varant praised to Adanos. Adanos is a gracious God. He teaches us temperance and effort. He teaches us the value of balance. That we should enjoy our life as well as doing our duties. He teaches us the value of every life and that you shall help your neighbour. And he brings us life through his water. The assassins praise Beliar’s cool shadow, but it is the water that brings us the life here in the desert, and even they have to drink. Did you ask them once, what the big doctrine is, their prophet brought them instead of the old faith? Those assassins only praise two things in Beliar: The freedom and the enjoyment of life. Yes, they are free. Free of scruple. Free of morality. Morality and decency are just prejudices of old people to them. They are preaching that only strength and cunningness are important and that there is no right except the one you take for yourself. And enjoyment is everything they are living for. They don’t know any higher ideals, only the earthly sweets. They’re fornicating with their slaves, they’re betting all their gold in the arena, they’re smoking the swamp weed – well boy just go to Lago, it isn’t far from here, and look for yourself what this village has become. They’re all just lying in the shadow smoking and babbling. Then you’ll see what Zuben’s wrong faith is doing to people.  

And don’t get confused by all their talking about freedom. Yes, Zuben is slackening the leashes for his vice-regents. But believe me, he’ll pull them tight very quickly if he has to. He doesn’t care about their little fights. Why should he? But no one has been really free here in Varant for a long time. The real lord is always Zuben and not the vice-regents. Everywhere are his henchmen. Just look at all these young assassins. Trained in Ishtar, that no one may enter who isn’t one of them. Only the gods may know, what Zuben is doing to them there. And then he sends them to every corner of the realm. To serve the vice-regents? Ha! To be his eyes and ears and hands. Here in Ben Erai I still can speak freely. But just go to Bakaresh or Mora Sul. No one will dare to speak freely there. No one knows if the neighbour or the own brother is a hidden assassin. And treason is a well-payed virtue to those sinners. I tell you, Zuben transformed us into a people of snitches and informers. And following the snitches and informers come the assassinators. And if they tell you, that every man is the architect of his own future, they only mean every man belonging to them. Do you doubt what I’m telling? Just take a look at the merchants with the biggest profits and ask them, if they are assassins. Only assassins are allowed to bring goods to Ishtar. Only assassins are allowed to operate the wells. Only assassins can buy a vice-regency. Only assassins are chosen to be arena leaders. The common folk can’t change much about their fate. The truth is, they’re getting poorer and poorer. The streets of Mora Sul are full of beggars. But that’s little wonder. There is no more work. Look at me, for decades I’ve been working in the mines. And today? Only slaves are working there anymore. Of corse there have always been slaves, but today it seems like half of Varant is bound in chains while the other half is starving.  

And in the end, none of it, not the wealth, not the freedom, really matters. The war mongerer Zuben only has one goal. The strengthening of his power. Most of his followers are young, raised under Rhobar’s occupation. Yes, your people committed quite some cruelties and there is much ill feeling, Northman. But what these young lads are forgetting is that it was us who attacked Myrtana. They and their families had to pay the price for Zuben’s megalomania, and now they’re celebrating him as their saviour. But they will all be surprised. The nomads have been peacefully for years, now they‘re attacking our caravans once again. Did these fools really think the nomads would quietly accept being hunted? And that is just the beginning. I’m betting you, boy, that Zuben already casts his eye on the north. Whether the king or the orcs are in power there, doesn’t matter to him. He’s already arming for the next war. And when this war is lost again, and we’ll be cast into ruin once more, they shouldn’t dare to be surprised!

No, don’t let the assassins tell you anything, boy.

– Fatih former miner in Ben Erai
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