[Gothic 3] Community Story Project - Informacje, Newsy

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
18 grudnia 2018
Wolny od błędów
Obszerna, wciągająca i żywa historia, nowe bronie i przedmioty, a nawet zupełnie nowe budynki, wszystko to czeka na Ciebie w CSP - prawdziwym gigantycznym projekcie. Oczywiście tworzenie tak ogromnego projektu to nie tylko przyjemna praca ale też ciągła walka w pojawiającymi się błędami. Dziś pokazując konkretny przykład chcemy zaprezentować wam proces usuwania takich błędów.  

Faza 1:
Członek zespołu w czasie gry natrafia na błąd w obecnej wersji moda.

Błąd polega na odbiciu lustrzanym tekstury twarzy postaci w czasie ruchu. Jest to szczególnie uciążliwe gdy NPC ma np. blizny na twarzy. Powyżej możecie zaobserwować obrazek prosto z naszego wewnętrznego forum. Oczywiście takie screeny nie mają nic wspólnego z ładnymi obrazkami z naszego fanpage, mają one jedynie w jasny sposób prezentować błąd, jednocześnie zajmując jak najmniej miejsca na dysku.

Faza 2:
Błąd zostaje dokładnie przeanalizowany. Staramy się zrozumieć jego przyczynę a nie tylko "załatać" w danym miejscu. W naszym przypadku porównywaliśmy siatki twarzy w ujęciu statycznym i w ruchu.


Faza 3:
Po dokładnym sprawdzeniu źródła problemu, zostaje on naprawiony przez odpowiedni dział. Czasami rozwiązanie jest proste i wystarczy zmienić jedną wartość. Innym razem trzeba wykazać się kreatywnością aby poradzić sobie z problemem.

Nasz przypadek można skutecznie naprawić powodując, że twarz jest zawsze po dobrej stronie niezależnie od wykonywanych ruchów.

Faza 4:
Zmienione pliki zostają wysłane na serwer i członkowie zespołu testują czy wszystko działa poprawnie. W tym momencie sprawdzany jest nie tylko naprawiony błąd ale wyszukuje się też innych problemów, które mogły powstać w momencie poprawki poprzedniej usterki. Ostatecznie okazało się, że ten sam problem występował w innych miejscach, które również poprawiliśmy.

Faza 5:
Końcowa wersja pliku ląduje na serwerze a temat na forum zostaje zamknięty wiadomością " Naprawiono #8237".

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
19 grudnia 2018
Innos wspiera odważnych (ANG)
How did they end up in this mess? It was Torge, who saw the strangers first, some dirty figures at the side of the road. They seemed quite friendly as Torge’s group advanced. One of them even waved with a loaf of bread. So the men dashed out of the woods, Nimtsche fist, then Torge, then Lusch and Jannek was the last one. By all gods, they were hungry. All these days on small rations had worn them out. So it was no surprise that they acted quite carelessly. It was way too late when Jannek recognized the red under the dirty covers – the red of the king.

“Well, comrades, hungry?”, asked the one holding the bread. His smile reminded Jannek of a wolf. How did they end up in this mess? Had Jannek and his friends lost the ability to see? No, they all had only watched the bread and so had overlooked the obvious. Mud covered the strangers in quite a film, but the contours of armours were clearly visible. Eight additional strangers joined the four ones bringing the total up to a round dozen. One dozen soldiers, surrounding Jannek and the other deserters. Nimtsche the bonehead, still not noticing what was going on, reached out for the bread. Quickly the wolf pulled it back and asked with a pretended naivety: “Bread is only for brave men. Are you brave men?”

Jannek didn’t like this guy at all. Even Nimtsche seemed to slowly recognize that something was wrong. “Y…..Y……Y….. Yes, of course”, he stuttered, while his growling stomach predominated the fear in his head.

„Well, well…“ the wolf said, broke the bread and put a big part of it in his mouth. Smacking he continued: „Four brave militia men sitting in the forest in tettered tunics.” He picked Nimtsche’s emblem clean: „You are quite lucky, that you met us so far away from Gotha.” The wolf swallowed the bread: “But Innos loves the brave man. That may be the reason for our meeting.” He gave the bread to one of his men who stored it safely away leaving Nimtsche with tears in his eyes.  

“Now, it’s time to introduce ourselves.”, the wolf said. “Kane is my name, and this stinking cohort is my unit. I know it’s hard to see under all of the mud, but that also has some advantages. Kane laid his hand on Torge’s shoulder and pushed the strong club-swinger down. “And who are you, my big friend?“ The giant didn’t buckle, so one of the soldiers kicked him in the back of his knee and he fell in the mud howling. “Forgive me, you are such a big man, and I don’t like anyone concealing the sun if he is now cloud.” With his hands, Kane held his belly. „We are coming directly from Venguard, where we filled our bellies until they were about to burst. And because we heard that the orcs are marching for Gotha, we are bringing provisions and supplies for the whole keep. But the thing with the orcs can’t be true. Because if it were, you wouldn’t be here, would you?” Jannek, who had only drunken rainwater out of his hands, suddenly felt the need to pee. “So someone was lying to me. How impolite of the paladins.” Lusch started shivering, as Kane grabbed on to him and pulled his head back and forth to look him in the eyes. “The only problem is, the champions of Innos never tell a lie, and didn’t teach the lord of fore to us all that you shall speak truthfully at all times, hold on to our vows and do our duty? So what to do with four militiamen, far away from the place they should be defending against the orcs?”

This time the question wasn’t a rhetorical one, and the captain waited for an answer. He got none. The time for lies was over, and the truth didn’t need any words. “Attus!” the called man stepped forth from Kane’s men. „It seems we have a bunch of deserters here, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, my captain!“, Attus answered.

“What do we usually do with traitors?”, Kane asked in a pretended voice.

As if trained a thousand times, all of the soldiers shouted: “WE HANG THEM!”

“Really all of them?”

“THE WHOLE GANG!“, the choir answered.

“Hmm, the whole gang.”, Kane repeated. Suddenly Nimtsche sprinted away. The mud sprayed away with every one of his steps, but despite the slippery ground, the bonehead was quite fast.

The drawing of the bow was barely audible, but the shot was. One last big splash and the dead body that once had been Nimtsche fell to the ground. “There’s always one”, Kane said, without showing any emotions about the attempted flight. “Sadly we don’t have any ropes in our provisions. So we can’t hang you properly.” It sounded to Jannek as if the captain was really apologizing to him. Lusch wet himself as the captain drew his sword. Even in all the mud and weather the spot was clearly visible to everyone. Without any comment, the captain pushed his sword right through Lusch’s throat. All of the soldiers kept a straight face. Neither joy nor pity was in their eyes. Now it was Jannek’s turn to shiver. Bladder and throat seemed to be knotted, in anticipation of the certain death. The fears he felt in this moment and from which the others had run, were beyond words. Torge’s gaze got empty, like the gaze of slaughter cattle. But the captain wiped his sword clean and put it away. “If Innos really had wanted this to end with four dead men, we would’ve had some ropes. Deserting is not only treason but also quite stupid. Militiamen are allowed to be stupid if they are also brave. Those over there…”, Kane gestured towards the dead Lusch and Nimtsche, “they were only stupid. With all grace useless if it counts.” The soldier with the bread reappeared broke it in half and ave it to Torge and Jannek. Although it wasn’t quite fresh the smell tickled Jannek in his nose. First, his stomach everted, then the one of his friend. But not much got out.  

“Eat, as soon as you can. When we reach our destination we’ll need all the power we can muster, because we’ll have work to do once we reach Gotha. And always remember: Innos is with the brave.”

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
20 grudnia 2018
Mój wybór
Pokazaliśmy wam już menu, w którym możecie dostosować czas wyświetlania napisów.

Postanowiliśmy oddać w wasze ręce więcej władzy odnoście systemu otwierania skrzyń. Aktualnie możecie dostosować czy chcecie stosować system z Risena i czy mają się pokazywać podpowiedzi.

Możecie również dostosować poziom trudności do własnych upodobań, a nie być skazanym na poziom "łatwy", "średni" i "trudny". Teraz możecie wybrać początkowy level, ilość jednocześnie atakujących przeciwników, trudność walk na arenie, nieśmiertelność na początku gry, bonus do walki dystansowej.


Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
21 grudnia 2018
Podstawowe drzewko umiejętności
W przeciwieństwie do bohatera z wersji Vanila, "nasz" bohater nie może być specjalista w każdej dziedzinie. Musi on wybrać określoną ścieżkę rozwoju i się jej trzymać do samego końca. Oto dwie możliwe ścieżki rozwoju, asasyna i orkowego najemnika, oczywiście pominęliśmy tutaj poboczne zdolności.
Początek gry:

Drzewko asasyna:



Drzewko orkowego najemnika:



Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
22 grudnia 2018
Z głębin kodu
Co jakiś czas przeszukując pliki gry natrafiamy na nowe znaleziska. Są to stworzone przez Piranha Bytes lecz z jakiegoś powodu niewykorzystane elementy ubioru, uzbrojenia czy też czary. Jedną z takich rzeczy jest bandana, która znajduje się w odmętach gry. Oczywiście zostanie ona wykorzystana w CSP.



Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
23 grudnia 2018
Propaganda: Orkowy najemnik (ANG)
There is one truth you have to understand. It’s the only truth, meaning something. It is as easy as it is bitter, but you have to hear it.  

There is no turning back!

There is no turning back into the Myrtanian Realm! There is no turning back into the service for the nobles. There is no turning back into the womb of the mother church. All of these things are mere ruins now. The orcs have defeated all the armies of the king, have slaughtered every paladin they could find and razed the Innos’ temples. All of these things are lost and will only be memories a few years from now. The Myrtanian Real thought it was mighty and suffocated its children with strict rules and the shiny boots of the nobles. Of course, all of this was in just by the grace of Innos. Then the orcs came and proofed how weak the king really was, how even holy warriors are swept away if strong fighters have chosen to do so.  

No, my friends, I’ not sorry these days are over. They are not worthy of you weeping for them. I myself had difficulties seeing anything different in the orcs than a foe. Like many of you, I fought against them. I sweat and bled and lost nonetheless. Against all the king’s lies, they showed mercy. Like many others, I was allowed to work for them. It’s since then we are known as orc mercenaries.

A word that some people use snidely behind our backs as if it was an insult. But it is a great word as it describes perfectly what we are doing. We are men that live by the orcs’ mercy. The orcs are paying us, simple men, so we help them to keep the peace for everyone in the country. Their trust is so big they are giving us this honourable duty. We are orc mercenaries simply because it is no longer necessary to hide behind grandiose titles, neat emblems or fine robes.  

We are simple men. Men like you are! To become one of us, one has just to prove himself worthy. There is no need for a pedigree or much gold. Just do your job, on the fields, at the anvil or with the axe, whatever it is that is your profession. Each and every one of you, staying honest and doing what he can, will find his luck under the orcs. That is a promise!

I know you’re wondering about the slaves. They are no secret and they are in every city. Don’t be afraid. If you stick to common sense you will never end up as one of them. Who are those slaves? They are criminals! Bandits, robbing the poor and defenceless in the wilderness. They are those who profited from the suffering of others during the war. And they are the unteachables not able to accept the simple truth, standing in the way of peace and trying to bring hatred and war in the name of an unjust king.

YOU ALL KNOW that this fight of the rebels, which are nothing more than bandits in reality, is in vain. YOU ALL KNOW that their aims, put in their heads by the same people oppressing you in the past,  are wrong.  

Nonetheless, even they can find mercy. As slaves, they’re allowed to repent and to work off their crimes. They are even allowed to prove themselves in the arenas to become an orcish mercenary someday. With those who do this, I will gladly fight alongside and call them comrade. There is no turning back! The orcs freed us from our bonds and now we are walking side by side into a joined future!

– Marik, captain of the orcish mercenaries in Montera

Come closer. Take a seat. Take something to eat but be quiet. They are not supposed to catch us. Then there will be trouble. In the worst case, they believe we are planning something, working for the rebels. Even the doubt can be expensive. We all heard of the things that allegedly are happening in Geldern right now. I know there are many rumours. But the gates of the city are closed. I saw it with my own eyes. Get your head down!

Well, that was close. The coast is clear. It only was one of the citizens, but you never know. Probably he would have rented us out to the orcs. Damned turncoats. Of course, the orcs don’t like snitches. But that doesn’t mean they are not believing them. And the mercenaries are even worse. They have their methods: extra shifts at the stoneworks, shortened rations and with the gold, they saved they are improving their own pay. In the end, you can be happy not being sent to Silden right away. But the orc mercenaries, of course, all of them great and mighty warriors. They’ve all proven their worth…allegedly. Do you know how the orcs call them? Morra! Slave! Just like us. Don’t believe their shit about honour and the arenas. Maybe you will survive some rounds or even get free. And then? A handful of orcs will treat you a little better. But in the next city, where no one knows you, you will be the Morra again!  

That is if you can even make it there, and don’t get caught by an assassin first. This is how I ended up here. I used to be a carter. I could be living a decent life and close my eyes for the slavery; forget how burnt down the farms and killed friends and family. But no, I got caught by some slave traders and was sold. They told the orcs a nice story about who I allegedly was and they didn’t ask any questions. Against their affirmations, you’ll find fewer criminals and former soldiers in the ranks of the slaves than in the ones of the mercenaries. Of course, everything is better now that no one is wearing a crown anymore. That may even be true. That is if you are not the property of someone, or are in everlasting danger of becoming it. Bad luck, Morra! Just get yourself all beaten up after the work for their enjoyment. Nice new order.

– Rufus, slave in Montera

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
24 grudnia 2018 WIGILIA
Wieża Xardasa
Cały zespół Community Story Team życzy Wam wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia.
Ogromne podziękowania dla wszystkich bez, których ten kalendarz by nie powstał:
Twórcy Kalendarza Adwentowego 2018:
- Askanius
- chris-40
- derDaniel
- HerrFenrisWolf
- Feyn
- George
- Hero3000
- HptmGrusel
- Jünger des Xardas
- MadFaTal
- Revan335
- Robespier
- Salmarnir
- Seeev
- TrueCore

Specjalne podziękowania dla:
- Piranha Bytes Italia za włoską wersję
- Gothic Up za polską wersję


Szalony Bartek
A daliby se już chłopy spokój z tym. 


Członek Załogi
Czy tylko dla mnie to już siłowe udawanie, że trup jest żywy z tego projektu?....zaraz coś mi to przypomina.


Szalony Bartek
No to takie chyba dla zabawy zajmowanie się tym, na pewno mają świadomość, że jeżeli to im się uda wypuścić to nikt już nie będzie pamiętał co to jest gothic... ;]


Członek Załogi
JEŚLI im się uda. A szkoda, fajny projekt i fajne pomysły ale pewnie ich to już całkowicie znudziło, w końcu minęło sporo czasu od pierwszych nowinek.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
2 grudnia 2019
Varant 8:30, środek pustyni. Burze piaskowe! Taqiyah się trzyma. Porywy wiatru w Ben Sala. Taqiyah się trzyma. Kontynuujemy podróż do Bakareshu, słońce pali. Taqiyah się trzyma i chroni głowę.
Taqiyah modne nakrycie głowy wśród mieszkańców Vatantu. Tylko w CSP.


Widząc to trzecie zdjęcie myślałem, że coś gościowi ucięło głowę :p


Szalony Bartek
Że się im kurde chce... xD No ale czapka spoko, stylowa. Ale czegoś jej brakuje:
Niektórzy npc w podstawce chyba mieli takie treningi na arenie? Czy tylko mi się wydaje? Jeśli jest to zrobione z głową to będzie to urozmaicenie świata ale na dłuższą metę nikt nie zwróci na takie pierdoły uwagi. 

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
3 grudnia 2019
Prawdziwy Kolekcjoner
Gry z serii Gothic zawsze były świetną zabawą dla myśliwych i zbieraczy. W Gothicu 3 ta zabawa została jednak utemperowana, nie mogłeś zebrać otaczających Cię przedmiotów. Były one jednością z zresztą świata.
Zbierałeś może czyste zwoje albo składniki do obiadu? W CSP będzie to możliwe i twoja kolokacja niepotrzebnych przedmiotów szybko się powiększy.


Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
5 grudnia 2019
Aby stworzyć wiarygodny świat niezbędne jest występowanie codziennych czynności, takich jak pranie. Staramy się dodać jak najwięcej takich rutyn przy wykorzystaniu istniejących animacji. Przykładowo animacja prania powstała z animacji gotowania w kociołku.



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