[Gothic 3] Community Story Project - Informacje, Newsy


Szalony Bartek
Czy w tym filmie ktoś kogoś skaratował jak np. we "Wściekłych pięściach"? 

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
Nie, cały film to ciągłe dialogi, średnio interesujące dla kogoś kto nie ogarnia ang lub de.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
15 grudnia 2016
Prawdziwa pustynia wymaga odpowiedniego nakrycia głowy. Idealnym przykładem takiego nakrycia jest TURBAN.




Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
16 grudnia 2016
Narzędzia CSP
Aby realizować taki ogromny projekt jak CSP, potrzeba odpowiednich narzędzi. Postanowiliśmy je wam pokazać, a że jest ich całkiem sporo, podzieliliśmy listę na dwie części :)
1. Chcąc pracować profesjonalnie, musimy prowadzić własne forum. Dzięki niemu możemy koordynować nasze prace i omawiać na bieżąco napotkane problemy. Posiadamy takie działy jak: Public relations, Rekrutacja, Fabuła, Balans, Sprawy techniczne, Testy i wiele więcej.

2. Nowe i zmodyfikowane dane Gothic'a 3 są trzymane w "systemie poczekalni". Dokładniej mówiąc w "systemie kontroli wersji" (SVN). To pozwala nam kontrolować na bieżąco zmiany. Za graficzny styl odpowiada TortoiseSVN, który jest połączony z eksploratorem plików. Ta kombinacja pozwala nam w wygodny i efektywny sposób modować Gothic'a. Nie możemy zapomnieć też o TortoiseMerge (program do pakowania plików G3), który pomaga w wprowadzaniu zmian.

3. Fabuła jest opracowywana w wielu plikach bez wykorzystania szczególnych programów do obróbki tekstu. Pliki dzielą się według regionów, miast czy też rozdziałów. Przykładowo mamy plik "Wybrzeże K1-4". Zawarte są w nim zadania, które rozgrywają się na terenie kilku miast w rozdziałach od 1 do 4. Inny plik "Ardea", zawiera lokalne zadania mieszczące się w Ardei.
Postęp wprowadzania zadań przez naszych programistów jest opisywany kolorami:
  • czarny - nieruszona zawartość

  • pomarańczowy - w trakcie realizacji

  • zielony - wprowadzone

  • niebieski - notatki pozwalające uniknąć w przyszłości nowych bugów

  • czerwony - niemożliwe do wykonania


4. Program "Hex" to już przeszłość. Najlepszym narzędziem do edycji świata Gothic'a jest "g3dit". Pozwala on z łatwością przenosić, obracać, kopiować, usuwać przedmioty oraz dokładnie określić ich pozycję. Dodatkowy graficzny podgląd gwarantuje skuteczność wykonanych operacji. Podgląd 3D pozwala również skontrolować dopasowanie nowych tekstur, bez odpadania gry.
Posiada on też zaawansowaną wyszukiwarkę, dzięki czemu możemy wyszukać przedmioty po ich pozycji, nazwy pliku, posiadaczu. Wbudowany skrypty natychmiastowo informują o możliwych błędach występujących w świecie gry, co pozwala zaoszczędzić czas.
Ok, kończymy z wymienianiem zalet g3dit'a bo nie skończymy do Wigilii.

5. Gothic 3 nieprzerwanie zostaje ulepszany, naprawiany czy też rozszerzany poprzez edycję plików DLL. Pozwala to na eliminację różnego rodzaju błędów np. "Gdzie jest Guru" ale również ułatwia i przyspiesza realizację nowych pomysłów.
6. Fabuła zostaje wprowadzana za sprawą specjalnego narzędzia przystosowanego do potrzeb Community Story Projekt "G3IQ". Ten program oferuje okno dialogowe, wyszukiwarkę i kontrolę wiarygodności (?). G3IQ pozwala też dodawać i usuwać pliki dźwiękowe.

7. G3MC rozwiązuje problem braku dopasowania niektórych elementów (hełmy, włosy) do każdego NPC. Przy pomocy G3MC z łatwością możemy edytować siatkę przedmiotu bez pomocy grafika 3D.

8. Do animowanych przedmiotów wykorzystujemy program Rimy3D. Dzięki niemu możemy zwiększyć różnorodność ubrań. Na poniższym obrazku widzicie jak szef orków, staje się sierżantem, po przez usunięcie peleryny i odznaczeń.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
20 grudnia 2016
Narzędzia CSP - część druga
Na początek chcemy przedstawić wam premierowy Screenshot Orka kaprala:

ConvertXIMG służy do przekonwertowania plików graficznych z .ximg do .tga.

ModKit do Gothic 3, zwany Genome Lite Edition, służy głównie do edycji menu.

Możemy również dodać czytany tekst jeśli chcemy.
Pliki potrzebne do programu czytającego tekst, powstają w G3IQ, który odpowiednio obrabia tekst i usuwa niepotrzebne słowa np. "(zdenerwowany)". Następnie program czytający tworzy pliki w formacie .wav a my przerabiamy je na .ogg lub .xlip.

Do nagrywania rozgrywki używamy Open Broadcaster Software (obsproject.com), który jest łatwy w obsłudze.

Przed rozpoczęciem nagrywania zostają dokładnie wyselekcjonowane ujęcia, wraz z porą dnia /

Premiere Pro służy do obróbki filmu. W tym programie tniemy filmy, układamy w odpowiednią kolejność i dodajemy tekst.

Aby polepszyć nasze filmy dodajemy intro i outro. Jeśli wymaga to odpowiedniej animacji używamy After Effects i Photoshopa. Dodatkowo nasi graficy wykorzystują te narzędzia aby upiększyć naszą stronę główną jak i Fanpage.


Modele 3D to najtrudniejsza rzecz potrzebna do naszego projektu. Aby je tworzyć wykorzystujemy narzędzie zwane Blender. Poniżej możecie zaobserwować jak powstaje taki projekt.




Ostatnia lecz bardzo ważną rzeczą jest nasza strona. Wykorzystujemy na niej content management system (CMS). Natomiast cała strona zbudowana jest w WordPressie z licznymi wtyczkami.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
21 grudnia 2016
Nieprzerwanie od 2003 roku jesteśmy największym polskim serwisem o serii gier Gothic oraz Risen. Mimo upływających lat, zmian jakie zaszły w życiu każdego z członków naszej społeczności, dzięki pasji jaką jest Gothic mieliśmy przyjemność wspierać oficjalne wydawnictwa Piranha Bytes w Polsce, począwszy od Gothic 3, przez dodatek Zmierzch Bogów oraz Arcania i Arcania: Upadek Setariff, a skończywszy na Risen 1 i 2. Od samego początku wspieramy również fanów w ich twórczości, pomagamy w tworzeniu modów, serii filmowych itd. Stąd też nasza współpraca z CSP, który regularnie gości w naszych tematach i dyskusjach! Wszyscy niecierpliwie czekamy na premierę, która, miejmy nadzieję, jest tuż-tuż.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
22 grudnia 2016
Dowód odwagi (ANG)

„Did I already show you the sapphire, Nahur gave me as a present?”
“Yes, Meryam, three times already.”
„Just look at it. Have you ever seen a gem so big and beautiful? But his beauty vanishes…”

“…vanishes compared to your beauty. That’s what Nahur said. You already told me. Three times.”
“Just look how it sparkles in the sun. I bet it cost the merchant Nahur raided it from a small fortune.”
Ankyor frowned. Would she ever give it a rest? He drew lines in the sand with his finger while the two women talked. If you could call this a talk. He tried his best to turn a deaf ear to this conversation.
“Oh, Sulamith, there you are!”
As this name was mentioned Ankyor’s gaze shot upwards. Yes, there she was! A jar on her head, stabilizing it a little bit with her slender hand. Her hair trembled a little bit in the soft wind that blew from the dunes; those wonderful dark curls, he so desperately wanted to feel between his fingers for one time only. And in the middle of that the most beautiful face, he had ever seen. As always Sulamith looked friendly and smiled a little bit. And as always he couldn’t avoid a little smile himself as he saw hers. “I bring you some water.”
“Very well. Come on let’s go, you said you would help me milking the cows.” Meryam’s conversational partner seemed quite relieved, took
Sulamith’s arm and tugged her along. “Your sister just told me about her favorite topic, again.”
“Oh.” The sadness in Sulamith’s eyes hurt Ankyor a little bit. It wasn’t because of him, he knew that. As she turned her head and looked in his direction he looked down to his lines.
“You could be happy a little bit for me!” he heard Meryam jangle.
“I truly am, I’m very happy that…”
„Save it! I know that you don’t grant me my luck!“
Ankyor became angry. Anger was a feeling he’d felt more and more for some time now. Helpless anger. He very much wanted to go over there and reprimand Meryam that she couldn’t talk to Sulamith in this manner. But how would that look like?
„Oh, good that I find you both at once.“ Ankyor looked up again. The voice belonged to Ayitos. What was he doing here? Meryam, Sulamith, and her friend also looked a little bit surprised at the new arrival.
„Father.“ Sulamith lowered her head respectfully. „What can we do for you?“
„You can pray for me. For me and all the others that go with our sheik.“
Sulamith threw her hands up in horror. Meryam seemed a little bit alienated, too. „Go? Where to, father? “
„To Braga. Tonight.“
That made Ankyor sit up and take notice. To Braga? Why didn’t he know anything about that?
„You are going to attack the city?“ Meryam asked. „But I thought we’ll break camp and move along.“
„That’s what we’re going to do. But we’ll do this because our clan won’t be safe here as of tomorrow morning. We won’t attack the city but we’re going to infiltrate the house of their leader. We’ll loot his gold and free his slaves. And we’ll kill Tufail in his sleep if we can. Your fiancé will accompany us, Meryam.
Ankyor jumped up and started running. After a few steps, it occurred to him that this behavior might seem a little odd and would give away that he had been eavesdropping. But it was too late. This thought made him stumble as his foot found a small stone but he got a grip on  himself and he continued running.
Out of breath, he burst into his father’s tent.
Asaru looked up. The other men sitting with him in the circle did the same. Ankyor faltered as his father’s strict look was directed at him.
“What is it?” the sheik asked.
“Well,…I…” just now Ankyor realized where he was standing and who his counterpart was. Quickly he bowed his head. “Please excuse me, father. I heard there will be an attack on Braga.”
“That’s right. And now?”
“I…” He gulped, cleared his throat, and gulped again. “Why wasn’t I told anything about that?” it burst out of his mouth.
“Because there was no reason to do so.” answered the sheik. “And now off you go. We’re planning our assault.”
He looked around. There were his two older brothers. There was Marcus. And there, Nahur. Ankyor bit down on his lip. “Are they all going with you?”
“Yes, that’s why they are here.”
“I want to fight, too!”
“Young man your zest for action honors you, but don’t be a fool.” Marcus said.
Meanwhile, his father puckered his eyebrows. A slight hint of impatience appeared on his face. “If I’d planned to take you with me I would have sent for you, as I did with your brothers.”
“But father, I’m able to fight as well! Just like them.”
“We will sneak into the city of our enemies in the darkest night.
Everything has to go fast. And if we get caught we’ll have to fight for our lives. I won’t take anyone so young and inexperienced.”


The impatience in Asaru’s face slowly turned to anger. “Are you questioning your sheik’s decision? Your father’s decision?”

“I…No…But…” Ankyor bowed his head. “Please forgive me, father. I was disrespectful. It’s just …” His gaze wandered to Nahur again, who sat cross-legged next to his brothers. “I want to prove myself. I want to do something for the clan.”

“Then take care of the herd. We’ll leave tomorrow at sunrise. To the mountains. After our raid on the city, the clan won’t be able to stay in this oasis that near to Braga. You want to do something? Then help to watch the herd.”


“Out! You molested us long enough. Don’t answer back to me one more time.”

Ankyor was shaking with rage as he left the tent. Helplessly he clenched his fist, over and over again. His brothers were allowed to fight, but he was too young! He hadn’t be allowed to accompany them to the raid on Ben Erai’s merchant either. There Nahur had looted the sapphire he gave to Meryam for their engagement. Only Adanos would know what Nahur could loot or do to excel today.

He tried to calm down. It didn’t matter what Nahur would bring with him from Braga. He hardly would ask for Sulamith’s hand in marriage too.
At least not until he’d married Meryam.

But still! He clenched his fists again. Was it a wonder that Sulamith only had eyes for Nahur, even now that he had chosen Meryam. At first,
Ankyor had been quite happy. It wasn’t a secret that both of Ayito’s daughters had cast an eye on Nahur. For quite some time the women, while milking or fetching water, had been talking about nothing else then which of the two he would choose and give the sapphire to. For some nights Ankyor hadn’t been able to sleep, because of the fear that he could be losing Sulamith. But Nahur’s choice of Meryam – a choice that Ankyor even if he was happy about it could never understand – had only been a small relief. Until he saw the frustration and the pain in Sulamith’s face.

If he only were such a big warrior und hunter as Nahur! If he could bring home snapper skins and looted treasures. Sulamith would forget about Nahur, even more so, as he had chosen her sister. But how could she pay attention to him like that?

The rest of the day he pored over his dark thoughts. He helped in the roundup and prepared the herd for their departure. One by one the tents were dismantled. Crates, vases, and barrels were piled up.  Everyone was acting busy. He did his work mechanically without giving it much thought.

The night fell and Asaru and his chosen men departed to the nearby Assassins’ city. Excited anticipations paired with fear was all around in the camp. Riordian, their Abu, who had just returned after many years, led a prayer. But Ankyor could only think about Sulamith. About Nahur. About his father. About sitting here in the safety of the oasis and being unable to show that he was able to fight, to defend his clan, too.

Asaru and his small regiment returned in the last hour before the first light. Their raid had been a complete success. Although they only had been able to infiltrate the ground floor of the main building and therefore hadn’t been able to find Tufail, the town’s alderman, they’d looted a huge amount of gold and freed a slave, a woman named Aila. The men and women of the clan celebrated their heroes but Asaru stopped the rejoicing and the hugging shortly after the return, as there was no time to waste. Ankyor wasn’t in the mood to celebrate anyway and he was standing at the edge of the crowd surrounding the returning warrior and the freed slave.

If only his father had taken him along! He would’ve sneaked into the upper floor and killed the lord of Braga in his bed. So he thought, as the Beni Asarus slowly wandered with the sun rising over the Ben Hasha mountains in their backs. The big branch he used as a crook lay over his shoulder and his look was cast downwards to the ground. He wasn’t paying any attention to the cattle trotting next to him. His thoughts circled around Braga. If he only had been given a chance. He would have proven himself to everyone. He would’ve proven to Sulamith that Nahur wasn’t the only fearless warrior. Of course, his father would’ve never allowed him to enter the upper floor, even if he’d taken him along. He would’ve advised him that he should be careful and ordered a retreat. But that would not have been enough to stop him. He would’ve stormed upstairs and the success would’ve proven him right at the end. He would’ve done what obviously none of the others, not even Nahur, had been able to do. How hard could it be to kill a man in his sleep? But maybe, he thought, maybe Tufail would not have been asleep. Maybe the lord of Braga would’ve been waiting for him, a wicked smile on his face. Weren’t all of the assassins a little bit wicked? Be that as it may. He would’ve killed him if he was asleep or wide awake. If his father had only given him the chance to win against Tufail in battle. Ankyor didn’t know how the lord of Braga looked like. Probably he was quite tall. “Hey!” Yes, tall and strong. After all the assassins only made the best of them a leader. Certainly, he was taller than all of his guards. And the wicked smile on his face awaiting Ankyor, wasn’t there something more? Yes, cruel, not only wicked, that was his smile. The smile of a man who had killed many nomads in his life and had enjoyed it. “Ankyor!” And his eyes… Certainly, he had the flaming eyes of a demon! At least he was an assassin, a servant of the black mages, who could tell with which powers he’d gotten involved with. “Look Out! There!” But Ankyor wouldn’t have let that intimidate him when facing this demon in a man-shape. He would’ve stood up to him. Would’ve shown how a nomad was able to fight! “Hey, Ankyor, look out!”

The voice of a different herdsman, walking on the other side of the cavalcade, woke him from his daydreams.  A little bit confused he looked over the cattle’s backs to the origin of the shouting, but the herdsman pointed in the opposite direction. Ankyor’s eyes followed the herdsman’s finger and saw what he meant. One of the cows had left the herd and gnawed on a root growing in the shadow of a decayed wall. He hadn’t been aware of the fact that they already had reached the border of the ruins.

Swiftly he walked towards the animal to bring it back to the herd. Suddenly something moved in the archway. In the next moment, a desperate cry for help sounded as teeth sank in the cow’s leg.

Ankyor stumbled back a bit. But the lizard had already spotted him. That was lucky for the cow that hobbled back, as fast as his wounded leg would allow. It wasn’t lucky for him. Slowly and hissing threateningly the big saurian advanced. Ankyor held his branch up in front of his chest in defense and detected a bit scared that his hands were trembling. Now the lizard stood directly in front of him. A quick jump and the monster would sink his teeth into his flesh.

A spear bolted through his field of vision from the right. The lizard hissed angrily and darted to the side. The power of this movement snatched the spear which was stuck in the lizard’s skin from the hands of his owner who backed up a little bit at once. But the lizard was
already upon him. Without paying any attention to the weapon still sticking in its back, he advanced on his attacker. But he had already
drawn his sword. The blade sparkled in the sunlight for a short moment. Sparkled like Meryam’s sapphire had. Ankyor himself couldn’t explain, why he thought of the jewel at this moment. But in the next moment, everything was over.

“Are you alright?”
Ankyor looked from the detached head of the lizard to the man standing in front of him to the blade in his hand which wasn’t sparkling anymore, and not anymore resembling a sapphire but a red ruby and back to the face of the man.
“Well, yeah…Yes, everything is all right…”
“That was lucky. Here near to the ruins you need to be careful.”
Nahur pointed with his sword to the walls behind them. “Come on, we’ll take a look for the cow.”

The wound in the animal’s leg wasn’t deep. It wouldn’t die from it. And with the help of Adanos, it would survive the rest of the march. But
the lizard’s bite held another danger. Diseases. And their Abu, who could’ve helped with his potions, wasn’t with them anymore. Ankyor
hadn’t noticed that at their departure but for some reason, the water mage had stayed behind and wouldn’t join them until later on. And just
now one of the cattle had to be bitten by a lizard!

Sheik Asaru wasn’t happy with that. But Ankyor could only think about one thing while his father gave free rein to his anger: If he only had had a spear like Nahur, instead of such a worthless piece of wood, then he would’ve killed the lizard himself before it could attack the cow.
And he swore to himself one thing: He would get such a spear. And he would prove his worth, so that his father would, or better had to, take him along when they went fighting the assassins the next time.


Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
23 grudnia 2016
Długa podróż ...
Dzisiaj mamy dla was nie tyle pełnoprawne "okienko", co zapowiedź jutrzejszej nowiny. CSP przeszło długą podróż i przygotowaliśmy prawdziwą niespodziankę na jutro. Jakieś propozycje co to będzie?
PS: iIe, nie jest to data premiery.



Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
24 grudnia 2016 WIGILIA
Po raz kolejny otwieramy ostatnie drzwi w naszym kalendarzu adwentowym. Po raz kolejny zachowaliśmy najlepsze na sam koniec. Oto przed wami NOWY klasztor Magów Ognia. Nie przedłużając oto film:
Na sam koniec chcemy podziękować każdemu kto się przyczynił do tworzenia naszego kalendarza:
  • Askanius
  • chris-40
  • derDaniel
  • George
  • Hero3000
  • HerrFenrisWolf
  • HptmGrusel
  • Jünger des Xardas
  • MadFaTal
  • Maryn
  • Robespier
  • Salmarnier
  • Seeev
  • TrueCore
Szczególne podziękowania kierujemy w stronę Gothic UP i Gothic Italia za tłumaczenie naszego kalendarza na język polski i włoski.

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
W ostatnim filmie na kanale Dzieje Khorinis padła informacja, że Gothic Italia tłumaczy już moda na Włoski. Chyba muszę napisać do CSP i ogarnąć polskie tłumaczenie :D


New Member
Skoro włosi zaczęli tłumaczyć ten dodatek czy to oznacza że premiera jest coraz bliżej?

Dark Fenix

Strażnik Pana Ciemności
Członek Załogi
Premiera zbliża się z każdym dniem :p /
Włosi podobno tłumaczą to co jest już dostępne. Więc trudno określić ile zostało jeszcze do premiery.
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